p. 9-21 | Article suivant |
Persimmon production and market
World-wide persimmon acreage is more than 300,000 ha and production more than 2,300,000 t -FAO, 2001-. China, Japan and Korea account for 95 per cent and Mediterranean countries for less than 5 per cent of world-wide production. Italy is the main producer in the Mediterranean although, in recent years, Spain had the highest and quickest increase in acreage and production. In China, Japan and Korea, production is for local consumption. In Israel, Spain and Australia production is mostly exported. Brazil and Italy have a mixed consumption (local and export). Native cultivars from Mediterranean countries give astringent fruits. They are very well adapted to a wide range of environments, most of them have very good taste and fruit quality, so they are local growers and consumers' target. To be exported, astringent fruits need post-harvest treatments, they are expensive and the results depend on the cultivar. An alternative is to grow cultivars of the non-astringent type.
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Llácer G., Badenes M.L. Persimmon production and market. In : Bellini E. (ed.), Giordani E. (ed.). First Mediterranean symposium on persimmon. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2002. p. 9-21. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 51). 1. Mediterranean Symposium on Persimmon, 2001/11/23-24, Faenza (Italy). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a51/02600059.pdf