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2001 - 201 p.

Preliminary characterization of germplasm collected in Apulia and Albania

Ricciardi L., Filippetti A.

Areas of collection of agricultural species and the kind of genetic resources collected are illustrated. In particular, a preliminary study on the variation of the main bio-agronomic characters of a melon collection (Cucumis melo L.) is also reported. The species described is one of the main vegetable crops in the South of Italy where it is grown in open and cover field. The interest in this cucurbit resides in the presence of several genetic resources to be protected from genetic erosion in the regions involved in the Interreg II Project. The said collection has been established with genetic resources (accessions, landraces) of Italian and Albanian origin and belonging to the three botanic varieties of the species cantalupensis, reticulatus and inodorus. The results achieved are satisfactory both for the safeguard of plant biodiversity and for the wide genetic variability collected which lays the bases for further selection plans useful for the breeding of the species.



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Ricciardi L., Filippetti A. Preliminary characterization of germplasm collected in Apulia and Albania. In : Ricciardi L. (ed.), Myrta A. (ed.), De Castro F. (ed.). Italo-Albanian cooperation for the enhancement of plant biodiversity. Bari : CIHEAM, 2001. p. 151-169. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 47). 2. Seminar: Italo-Albanian cooperation for the enhancement of plant biodiversity, 2000/10/26-28, Tirana (Albania). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a47/02001554.pdf