Article précédent | p. 81-99 | Article suivant |
Spanish agricultural exports competitiveness: The role of macroeconomic variables
The methodological approach used in this paper is based on the cointegration procedure. In the empirical analysis, eight variables have been considered: exchange rate, money supply, interest rate, the general price level, gross domestic product, farm input prices, farm output prices and total agricultural exports. Quarterly data from 1978:1 to 1995:4 are used. To test for cointegration between these variables the Johansen's Maximum Likelihood approach is used. As money supply and the general price level are I(2), first the cointegration approach with I(2) system has been considered and neutrality cannot be rejected. This relationship has been introduced in the I(1) system and variables have been defined in real terms. Then, in order to identify long-run relationships, restrictions on the individual cointegration vectors have been tested.
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Ben Kaabia M., Gil J.M. Spanish agricultural exports competitiveness: The role of macroeconomic variables. In : Laajimi A. (ed.), Arfa L. (ed.). Le futur des échanges agro-alimentaires dans le bassin méditerranéen : Les enjeux de la mondialisation et les défis de la compétitivité . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2001. p. 81-99. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 57). 5. Journées de l'Association Tunisienne des Anciens de l'Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Saragosse, 1998/12/10-11, Tunis (Tunisia).