OM A106

Present and future of the Mediterranean olive sector

Arcas N. (ed.), Arroyo López F.N. (ed.), Caballero J. (ed.), D'Andria R. (ed.), Fernández M. (ed.), Fernandez Escobar R. (ed.), Garrido A. (ed.), López-Miranda J. (ed.), Msallem M. (ed.), Parras M. (ed.), Rallo L. (ed.), Zanoli R. (ed.). Present and future of the Mediterranean olive sector . Zaragoza: CIHEAM / IOC, 2013. 207 p. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 106). International Seminar: Present and Future of the Mediterranean Olive Sector, 2012/11/26-28, Zaragoza (Spain).


Olive cultivation constitutes a key element of the Mediterranean agricultural sector, and Mediterranean countries clearly dominate world olive oil and table olive production and consumption. Production has increased dramatically in the last decades, partly due to the establishment of intensive olive plantations using new production systems. Nevertheless, traditional olive production systems should not be forgotten, as these systems are multifunctional and contribute to rural development, landscape conservation and protect the environment against erosion and desertification. Consumption of olive products has followed similar patterns, and non-traditionally consuming countries are becoming important consumers and importers. The growth of these markets is the result of the gastronomic qualities of olive products and their status as healthy food based on their nutritional and functional properties. There has also been an important improvement in post-harvest and processing in order to respond to the increasing demands for high quality standards. In this context, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ-CIHEAM) and the International Olive Council (IOC) organized the Seminar on "Present and future of the Mediterranean olive sector" from 26 to 28 November 2012. The aim of the Seminar was to promote debate on key questions challenging the olive sector, and it was structured in three scientific sessions: (i) Challenges and trends in olive growing and processing; (ii) Marketing strategies; (iii) Olive oil and olives, human health and nutrition; and a round table on Olive and olive oil development and promotion: policies and strategies. The third day was devoted to a technical visit. The current issue of Options Méditerranéennes includes the proceedings of the Seminar and contains 14 articles and 1 abstract of the contributions presented.


Industries Agro-alimentaires, Marchés, Produits de Qualité, Libre-échange, Relations Internationales


Foreword / Prólogo / Avant Propos
Romagosa I., Barjol J.L..
Evolution and sustainability of the olive production systems
Fernandez Escobar R., de la Rosa R., Leon L., Gomez J.A., Testi F., Orgaz M., Gil-Ribes J.A., Quesada-Moraga E., Trapero A..
Pedo-environmental determination of olive oil quality: a case study
Leone A.P., D'Andria R., Morelli G., Fragnito F., Purificato S., Volpe M.G., Nazzaro M., Buonduonno A..
Olive oil processing technologies and investments
Servili M..
Table olive processing technologies
Cillidag S.I..
Case study of an integrated system for olive mill by-products management in Sfax region in central Tunisia
Gargouri K., Ben Rouina B., Rhouma A., Ayadi M., Abichou M., Bentaher H..
New global and local marketing strategies: creation of added value through differentiation and high quality products
Parras M..
Turning food into a gastronomic experience: olive oil tourism
Murgado E.M..
The case of Hojiblanca
Carneros E.M..
Development of electronic commerce in the Spanish olive oil sector: regulations and guarantees
Bernal E., Martínez A..
Marketing organic olive oil: from fork to field
Zanoli R., Naspetti S..
Nutrigenomics, cardiovascular diseases and the Mediterranean diet
Ordovas J.M., Corella D..
Nutraceutical, cosmetic, health products derived from olive
D'Andria R., Di Salle A., Petillo O., Sorrentino G., Peluso G..
The genie in the bottle
Barbacil J..
Table olives: a natural source of health-promoting bioactive nutrients and probiotics
Peres C., Peres C.M., Moreira L., Alves M., Maricato J., Xavier Malcata F..
The place of scientific information in the promotional activities of the International Olive Council. Olive oil and health: consumers’ perception
Fernández M..
Summary and conclusions
Arcas N., Arroyo López F.N. , Caballero J., D'Andria R., Fernández M., Fernandez Escobar R., Garrido A., López-Miranda J., Msallem M., Parras M., Rallo L., Zanoli R..