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2008 - 481 p.

A preliminary screening of barleys for differences in ß-glucan-related grain traits

Gianinetti A., Ferrari B., Finocchiaro F., Frigeri P., Stanca A.M.

The presence of a peak of soluble ß-glucan during malting has been suggested to indicate that ß-glucan degradation occurs in two stages (Walker et al., 2001). In order to investigate this suggestion, we studied a set of 35 barleys with wide variability for grain and malting quality. As a preliminary approach, correlations between parameters were studied over the whole set, and trends of acid-extract viscosity were monitored during malting in 16 genotypes. No peak of acid-extract viscosity was observed in these barleys and no clues revealing a two-stage ß-glucan degradation were obtained with this approach. Thus, a set of five genotypes having contrasting quality traits was chosen as representative of the variability existing in the whole collection and earmarked for more detailed studies.



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Gianinetti A., Ferrari B., Finocchiaro F., Frigeri P., Stanca A.M. A preliminary screening of barleys for differences in ß-glucan-related grain traits. In : Molina-Cano J.L. (ed.), Christou P. (ed.), Graner A. (ed.), Hammer K. (ed.), Jouve N. (ed.), Keller B. (ed.), Lasa J.M. (ed.), Powell W. (ed.), Royo C. (ed.), Shewry P. (ed.), Stanca A.M. (ed.). Cereal science and technology for feeding ten billion people: genomics era and beyond. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / IRTA, 2008. p. 337-340. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 81). Meeting of the Eucarpia Cereal Section, 2006/11/13-17, Lleida (Spain). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a81/00800872.pdf