Fait partie de [OMC63]

2005 - 158 p.
p. 155-158  

Common problems with aquafeeds and feeding in marine farms in Greece

Karatarakis N.J.

Different problems are faced in everyday production in a fish farm, related to aquafeeds and feeding. Feed quality may be reduced due to the presence of floating pellets, high levels of dust or oil, differences in the size of pellets and occurrence of mould. Faulty packaging and transport to remote places shortens the useful life of feeds. Feeding levels and recommended composition of pellets are also questions that are not adequately addressed by feed suppliers. Modern feeding systems can lead to undesired complications due to inadequate training and skills of personnel as well as lack of proper translation of manuals. Fish feed prices are also a considerable problem, which threatens the sustainability of the sector. Feed producers should intensify their efforts to solve practical problems related to fish feeds, in collaboration with fish farmers so that new ideas can be immediately implemented.



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Karatarakis N.J. Common problems with aquafeeds and feeding in marine farms in Greece. In : Montero D. (ed.), Basurco B. (ed.), Nengas I. (ed.), Alexis M. (ed.), Izquierdo M. (ed.). Mediterranean fish nutrition. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2005. p. 155-158. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 63). Workshop on Mediterranean Fish Nutrition, 2002/06/01-02, Rhodes (Greece). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c63/05600076.pdf